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Mental Toughness Virtual Training

Learned mental toughness techniques from a former 24 year Navy seal, veteran and Navy seal instructor. There are two aspects a person needs to make it through SEAL or other special forces training. 1. Effective physical ability 2. mental toughness, and a very strong reason why you want to achieve this goal. My mental toughness class will give you everything you need to succeed from the viewpoint of a former Navy seal instructor. I will also evaluate and critique your mental toughness capability and physical capability for these programs.
Learned mental toughness techniques from a former 24 year Navy seal, veteran and Navy seal instructor. There are two aspects a person needs to make it through SEAL or other special forces training. 1. Effective physical ability 2. mental toughness, and a very strong reason why you want to achieve this goal. My mental toughness class will give you everything you need to succeed from the viewpoint of a former Navy seal instructor. I will also evaluate and critique your mental toughness capability and physical capability for these programs.…
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